A chance encounter with Louise at Big Yellow Storage, has introduced Greenbox into the world of House Staging in Leeds.
House staging is when an empty property is dressed with furniture, pictures, lamps and bibelots, to show the accommodation in a perfect light. Housing developers and homeowners will use staging to assist them in selling their properties quicker as buyers can see exactly how beautiful the houses can be when decorated right.
Who knew? Well, not us. Not until 8 months ago when we met Louise, who does this for a living. Louise is the founder of Wildkind Interiors, and we have been transporting her furnishings around the country, from Blackpool to Bridlington and York to Newcastle. From terraced houses in Leeds to show homes in Gateshead. It’s so great to see how Louise turns an empty shell of a house into a cosy home, maximising the space and decorating it with style.
And Greenbox have been learning some tricks on the way too. We’ve always been a dab hand at furniture assembly but now we’ve gone into picture putter-uppers as well. Ensuring they’re straight, centered and perfectly positioned for Louise’s rooms.
It’s absolutely wonderful working with Louise – she has a lovely temperament and an artistic eye. She always wants perfection in her properties which is why we enjoy working with her so much. And we know we’ve done a good job when we’re asked to collect the furniture again after only a couple of months. It means the house sold quickly and the owner is happy. Statistics show that a staged house can sell three times quicker than a non-staged property and can increase the value of the property by up to 10%. Staggering staging stats, right?
So, house staging in Leeds is a very worthwhile thing to do if you are trying to sell an empty property, and we here at Greenbox love being part of the process.
Read more of what we have been up to here.